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Bringing the Aromas of Hawaii to your Home

Happy New Year

Welcome to our January Newsletter

What A Wonderful Christmas! But Doesn't It Go Quick?

Still not to worry as now January's here, these dark and dreary days will soon be gone and we'll be well on our way towards spring with the promise of summer to follow. Now admittedly in the meantime we do have the rest of winter to contend with, but this is exactly how your Plumeria will be viewing things and the thought certainly cheers me up

As to sunlight, well I think someone has simply just turned the power off! But thankfully there is no need to worry as our Natural Daylight Bulbs do allow you to simply turn it back on. Their safe, economical, very easy to use and enable you to have your Plumeria bathing in glorious daylight for up to 12 hours per day, regardless of what the weathers doing

Likewise, bottom heat is also essential to keep an active Plumeria thriving. Once they sense the cold, they just stop growing, drop their leaves and hibernate. Using one of our thermostatically controlled Plumeria Warmers to provide direct bottom heat is an excellent way to avoid this and ensures your Plumeria stays warm as toast all winter long. I know it seems obvious, but believe me a bit of extra light and heat can really make all the difference between keeping your Plumeria growing strongly or having it slip slowly into hibernation

If your Plumeria is hibernating, then the amount of light it gets doesn't really matter too much, thou please don't forget it completely, as some general care is still needed. Try to get into a routine, say once every two weeks, off checking the soil for dryness and removing any dead leaves that may still be hanging on. Half a cupful of warm water with a few added drops of SuperThrive, once a month will stop your Plumerias roots drying out and ensure they continue to be nourished while the rest of the Plumeria peacefully slumbers

SuperThrive is also a great all round tonic for an active Plumeria and combines really well with our Hawaiian Super Bloomer and Leafdew Plumeria Mist. With spring only a few short months away, ensuring your Plumeria is fully fed in readiness for this will pay dividends in the long run. Do be sensible thou, as too much feed will do no good and overwatering will transform your Plumerias cosy pot into a marshland. So, If in doubt use one of our Water Monitors or Water, Soil and Daylight Analysers to work out when water is required and try and stick to the suggested feed doses

Wishing Everyone A Very Happy New Year!

Yours Sincerely

Neil Dimery

Everything Your Plumeria Needs For Winter

Essential Plumeria Supplies

Everything you need to feed, water and know to keep your plumeria in top gear all year round can be found in our Essential Supplies Catalogue

Hawaiian Super Bloomer, SuperThrive, Leafdew Plumeria Mist, Leafguard Plumeria Insecticide, Root Warmers, Lighting etc, all as used by ourselves in our own nursery to keep your plumeria fighting fit

So, Pay Us A Visit And Keep Your Plumeria Thriving All Year Long

'These are fantastic. I'm not green fingered at all and it's like being given the secrets to successful Plumeria care.
- It's so re-assuring to know I'm using the right things.'
Mr JO, Douglas

For Full Details Of Prices And How To Order Just Click On The Button Below And Visit Our Essential Supplies Webpage

Welcome To Our

Plumeria Clinic & Nursery

Ideal For Getting Plumeria Ready For Life In The UK

We started our nursery over 10 years ago, having been captivated by the beauty of the plumeria we'd seen on our travels

Since then our Plumeria Nursery and Clinic have gone from strength to strength and allowed us, to develop and refine the perfect set of care techniques and products to ensure success in the UK

Our custom climate control system has allowed us to import plumeria of all sizes from our sister nurseries abroad and then re-establish and grow them strongly in their natural tropical environment, whilst gradually getting them used to our cooler UK conditions

Likewise, our Plumeria Clinic is the ideal place to take any worries or concerns you may have about your own plumeria. As it offers simple, practical, UK relevant advice, based on our own many years of experience

So if your plumeria is not growing as you'd like it too or you just fancy taking a look at how we do things, just click on one of the buttons below and see if we can help

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